Adding commands to the plugin menu
In macOS, the menu allows for easily assigning keyboard shortcuts and easily incorporating them into an automated workflow. This is a very cost effective solution.
Users who go to the trouble of adding scripts and plugins to InDesign are people who are very interested in such customization. If it doesn’t exist, they will certainly have a poor opinion of UXP. And they will complain to the developers who are the providers.
I tried to provide it myself via the InDesign DOM menu addition feature, but found it impractical for a variety of reasons.
- Submenus added with scripts cannot be completely removed
- Unable to pause the beforeQuit event to post-process plugins (reported internally to Adobe developers)
- InDesign does not permanently keep shortcuts assigned to scripts
- App shortcuts robbed by the panel or text field on the panel
Change event of input type="text"
Change events on React are considered equivalent to input, but I’m using Preact and would like to clearly distinguish between them.
It looks to me that UXP has already become almost a maintenance mode for Adobe. Or simply seems that way due to lack of resources?