Hi Adobe,
As you see there are less no of developers participating in the forums also there are people who don’t know about development. Js is not small community developers It is the biggest of all as per usage.
I think people are not aware of that adobe extension api uses js as language so if you market properly on this we get better no of plugins for the platform, like design videos on youtube make some plugin development videos to encourage developers to enter into development. Hoping adobe xd will cherish
Hi @PramUkesh. Thanks for your support. Our team is working very hard to make the ecosystem more exposed to the JavaScript developers and designers - @Erin_Finnegan can provide more details here. Having said that, we are open to everyone’s suggestions on improving the visibility of the ecosystem. Please let us know if you have suggestions!
yeah opening API to developers doesn’t drive them to develop their plugins for Adobe
instead expose -
- How many people are using XD and
- how one can reach most no of people by making plugins in the platform
- how can work be simplified with these plugins
- improve the plugin submit acceptance rate by making a new portal about how some plugins are
rejected for what reason besides set of guidelines to publish a plugin - thoroughly market these API in medium and others sources like Youtube with more and more posts and videos encourage developers to make tutorials on how one can make plugins and doc explaining videos by individual developers give some incentives by putting some contest on exposing plugin API to the world
- open a separate category for ideas that has more scope of users can download so dev are interested to make these
Also try to reduce the feature requests in the forum
There are 1725+ feature requests in this forum for xd i try to solve some but api is not open to most of the requests here so instead of making these features your self try to expose the api so that developers can make the plugins based on these feature requests so more no of developers can make an interest towards the api and more features are come to xd and with reducing no of requests here brings the reputation to xd
also if a plugin is made to solve the feature request try to close the request by pointing to download the plugin so this can be useful for users
Hi @PramUkesh!
I can tell you care a lot about XD, and the success of XD Plugins, and that means a lot to my team, who have been working hard for the last six months on this launch. Let me see if I can address your concerns and suggestions one by one. (Challenge accepted!)
How many people are using XD
I’m not sure we’re allowed to share that number publicly, but I’ll ask around.
how one can reach most no of people by making plugins in the platform
We’re hoping that since plugins can be easily found in the Plugin Manager, it will be simple to reach all the users using XD. (Granted, if they haven’t updated XD lately or don’t know we have plugins now, they might not find it… )
how can work be simplified with these plugins
Lots of ways, we hope! That’s why we showed off the Google Sheets plugin during the keynote at MAX…
improve the plugin submit acceptance rate by making a new portal about how some plugins are rejected for what reason besides set of guidelines to publish a plugin
We know this needs work. The approval team is new, and we’re still working out the kinks.
thoroughly market these API in medium and others sources like Youtube with more and more posts and videos encourage developers to make tutorials on how one can make plugins and doc explaining videos by individual developers
Do you have favorite YouTube channels or creators who we should approach? The Prototypr.io guy has been making some video tutorials for XD.
give some incentives by putting some contest on exposing plugin API to the world
We don’t have a contest at the moment but we do have the Adobe Fund for Design… What would your ideal contest look like?
open a separate category for ideas that has more scope of users can download so dev are interested to make these
We’ve been talking a lot about how to do this. I suggested something where users wouldn’t have to log in… but that idea was unpopular because we already have the uservoice forum (below)… and also spam.
Also try to reduce the feature requests in the forum
https://adobexd.uservoice.com/forums/353007-adobe-xd-feature-requestsThere are 1725+ feature requests in this forum for xd i try to solve some but api is not open to most of the requests here so instead of making these features your self try to expose the api so that developers can make the plugins based on these feature requests so more no of developers can make an interest towards the api and more features are come to xd and with reducing no of requests here brings the reputation to xd
Definitely mention your concerns in that forum, but I’ll pass along your criticism.
also if a plugin is made to solve the feature request try to close the request by pointing to download the plugin so this can be useful for users
In some ways, that’s up to the developer of the plugin to jump in and mention that they’ve solved it… or other users to mention “Oh hey, there’s a plugin for that…”
I hope this addresses most of your concerns! Please suggest more things, it is very helpful!
Yeah, reason for mentioning the concerns here because
uservoice is a some what a less priority thing and reply from adobe team there is some what inconsistency because its not your problem but people located at different locations and time zones
so its difficult to follow up but for example if more requests are appearing in the small amount of time it is not possible to reply those requests and they go into some blackhole but after some day they becoming the featured requests in the forum and still most of the featured requests and answered requests are far from release Eg: for this is Visual versioning system mentioned at Max 2016 still it is under development so first dig into the featured and top ideas and send some feedback for not answered requests
it is less bulky for the adobe team to browse thousands of features instead i will point some requests here so that team can get some what a better idea.
In some ways, that’s up to the developer of the plugin to jump in and mention that they’ve solved it… or other users to mention “Oh hey, there’s a plugin for that…”
its not the better way because i tried to do that but some users doesn’t see the reply and make a comment themselves so my comment go down and also some spamming the forum so if a adobe team has mentioned that feature status it will reach all people who concerned about the feature
See the picture for example I(Best of All Films) reply(below Michel comment) that we can use change case plugin for that but users doesn’t see or read that and keep commenting it gone unnoticed and replied another time
so provide better tagging facility for plugin developers and mention that its is a plugin developer’s reply and make the tag reachable(don’t think its a marketing idea its not) to people following the feature i think it is helpful both for developers and users you got the better idea
I think the problem is that you didn’t describe the plugin well (no offense!) – you just wrote “use change case plugin for this” – neither does it describe what the plugin does nor does it (again: no offense) sound positive (it’s a bit demanding). The thing is that the plugin can’t replace the native feature. For me, it worked great saying that my plugin doesn’t completely solve the feature, but might be an alternative for right now at When creating a text field, automatically fill it with lorem ipsum. – Adobe XD Feedback : Feature Requests & Bugs. Also, I gave a disclaimer that I’m the developer since people might find such advertisement without such a disclaimer unfriendly. I also described what it does, how users can install it and why I’m writing about this. Also, by making your comment a bit longer, I think more people read it since it seems less like a “Yes, I would love this”-kind of comment (which I hate – people should upvote if they haven’t anything productive to say about it ).
So I think you can get more response to your comment by
- being less demanding about it (“you could try this plugin” instead of “use this plugin”)
- giving a bit of context (the “why” to the “what”)
- offering the reason you comment about this (e.g. “I’m the developer – if you have any questions, contact me”)
- describing how to get the plugin (discover plugins panel, website, etc.)
- Not “acting” like a plugin is a complete solution to the problem. For example, with Change Case, you cannot revert the changes afterward (which you could with the feature the request asks for).
I think if there would be
it would lead to a lot of advertising from developers which wouldn’t be something positive. I agree with @Erin_Finnegan that
I actually reached a few people with my comment, so it’s definitely possible to do so. I think that that’s really a marketing aspect which is and should be up to the developer – the fact that it’s possible shows that there doesn’t need to be any more support from Adobe’s side.
In all honesty, I cannot agree with the points you make @PramUkesh. I think the way Adobe markets the APIs is great. The “why” to denials in submission is already there (it could be extended, but it doesn’t need anything new):
- Publishing your plugin · Adobe XD Plugin Reference
- https://partners.adobe.com/exchangeprogram/creativecloud/build/dev-submission-guidelines.html
Also, I think it’s useful not to make developing plugins too accessible for inexperienced developers. That might sound harsh, but since XD always had performance as one of its top priorities, I think it would be fatal if there were a lot of plugins were devs just “hacked around” until it worked – the fact that there is real QA in the review process and it isn’t too accessible for inexperienced developers is – in my opinion – extremely useful. And the docs are extremely easy to understand, in my opinion. Therefore, if someone wants to get into plugin development, the hurdle isn’t too high (I’m not the most experienced dev, but had no problems whatsoever getting into plugin development), but it also isn’t low enough for people to just hack around and submit thousands of badly developed plugins.
Last, but not least, a little disclaimer (since some of what I wrote might sound a bit offensive):
I can understand that some might be a bit offended by this (which – in all honesty – is not intended). However, it is my opinion (!) that it is important to share this point of view on this topic. I – by no means – claim that my opinion about this is the right one. This really is just my opinion, and nothing more. And if it were only for the sake of having a constructive discussion about the topic, I’d still find it important to write this (maybe, I’m also “playing devil’s advocate” a bit here and there ).
Last, but not least, since due to my participation in the Beta program, with the badge on my profile picture and my “Leader” role in the forum, my posts might look a bit more “official”: They are absolutely not. It’s just my opinion. In fact, my main intention with this is to spark a discussion about the topic, not “stop” it – I don’t mean to offend anyone, sound impolite or anything like that (if I do, please tell me and I’ll try to change this) – it’s really just my opinion which I (for the sake of argument) state.
@pklaschka No I don’t felt that your words are offending because quality comes from restrictions and also if they are developers who are experienced and don’t know about the api are also unreachable to develop the plugins having less developers to the community doesn’t drive It better
because each person may come with a unique idea this is not about the api scope that opened for the developers it’s the unique concept of usage that matters
Hey All, on our side, we are keeping up with the updates, now with view-port and zoom we can apply it to all of our plugins.
We are building more complete plugins now and we more clearly understand the documentation. 4 of our new plugins need a few new API’s. Also, with the updates in the text node we are fixing all the plugins.
But unfortunately we still feel the struggle of developing for XD. Yet we believe 2019 is the year where XD will consolidate the API. Is going to be a long year for the ADOBE team and I am sure more developer will re-join during the year.
@PramUkesh less developers means less competition that is not bad at all.
Also I think Adobe XD documentation is better and that makes us come less to the forum.
Just to say that we are active and we have a few new things for next year. Hope I surprise you hehe.