I’m new to the forum here, currently updating my skills from ExtendScript to UXP. I have a query about accessing folders and files using UXP…
If I want to browse for a file and use localFileSystem.getFileForOpening () , I see I can use an initialDomain such as userDesktop, userDocuments etc for the initial start folder to browse from. However, some of the other symbols aren’t working on my PC. For example :
const storage = require("uxp").storage;
const lfs= storage.localFileSystem;
const domains = storage.domains;
let ff = await lfs.getFileForOpening({ allowMultiple: true , initialDomain: domains.userDesktop}); // starts browing at userDesktop
let ff = await lfs.getFileForOpening({ allowMultiple: true , initialDomain: domains.userDocuments}); // starts browing at last used folder instead
Debugging with the console gives me 3 supportedDomains ( including userDocuments) but only userDesktop and userPictures seem to work. The docs also say I can use a range of other symbols such as appRoamingData but none of the other ones work and I’m not sure why ???