Cancel Button not working in progress bar

Hi everybody, maybe you have some suggestion


The progress bar that Photosop automatically shows after a few seconds from the beginning of the execution of a function does not work correctly when there are calls to Batchplay with multiple descriptors within the function. This is, at least, my understanding


To overcome this problem I manage a manual update of the progress bar in the functions that contain batchplay with multiple descriptors. In this case the progress bar is correctly displayed but the cancel button, which is also correctly displayed inside the progressbar, is not active and doesn’t work to cancel the execution of the function. On the other hand, pressing the ESC key correctly cancels the execution of the function while the progressbar with the (inactive) cancel button is displayed

This is an exemple of the code. I have also the same behaviour with any different kind of batchplaycall

 executionContext.reportProgress({"value": 0.4});
 // create smart Object and apply smart sharpness
   const result0 = await batchPlay(
            _obj: "newPlacedLayer",
            _options: {
               dialogOptions: "dontDisplay"
            _obj: "smartSharpen",
            presetKind: {
               _enum: "presetKindType",
               _value: "presetKindCustom"
            useLegacy: false,
            amount: {
               _unit: "percentUnit",
               _value: 241
            radius: {
               _unit: "pixelsUnit",
               _value: 2.3
            noiseReduction: {
               _unit: "percentUnit",
               _value: 5.000000000000001
            blur: {
               _enum: "blurType",
               _value: "lensBlur"
            highlightMode: {
               _obj: "adaptCorrectTones",
               amount: {
                  _unit: "percentUnit",
                  _value: 20
               width: {
                  _unit: "percentUnit",
                  _value: 50
               radius: 1
            _options: {
               dialogOptions: "silent"