Can't load plugins after na update to PS 23.3


My plugins are not loading after an update to Photoshop version 23.3
I’m getting the manifest error. What should I change?

I encountered the problem if "launchProcess": "request" was declared in the manifest. Removing it resolved the issue.


You’re right, that’s the reason, thank you!
BTW I’ve noticed that even Alchemist plugin had it declared so it doesn’t load without removing it.

I’m wondering if the needed change in the manifest was announced somehow?

No, it wasn’t announced AFAIK.

@Jarda is aware of this issue (Alchemist).

There was blog post about new manifest but it did not explicitly said that it can break plugins. I guess we were not supposed to use manifest v5 before PS 23.3.0

I sent Alchemist for review in marketplace and it was rejected because they said all panel are blank after plugin load.

I have to look once more when I will have time. Or someone can create pull request in Alchemist repo since it is open source.

@Jarda, could you please share the link to that post?


I’m quite confused now, reading it, because it seems to me that I had the opposit experience with Alchemist

But I’m a newby so I could be on the wrong way…

What version of PS are you using? I had to remove that line on 23.3

The version that I’m using is: 23.2.2

Thank you! Interesting things are on the way.

That’s the reason, since 23.3 this line of code will have to be removed.

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Here is documentation pull request where Adobe is updating documentation about manifest version 5 right now. docs: add manifest v5 guide by amandahuarng · Pull Request #290 · AdobeDocs/uxp-photoshop · GitHub


Are you using launchProcess: "request" with "manifestVersion": 5? Can you please provide a snippet of your manifest.json?


I had this line till yesterday as I’ve seen it in one of the examples and I thought that it’s required. I had to remove it since PS version 23.3.

Now my manifest looks like this:

  "manifestVersion": 5,
  "name": "MY PLUGIN NAME",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "id": "MY ID",
  "main": "index.html",
  "host": [
       "app": "PS",
       "minVersion": "23.0.0",
       "data": {
          "apiVersion": 2,
          "loadEvent": "startup"
  "entrypoints": [
      "type": "panel",
      "id": "MY ID",
      "minimumSize": {
        "width": 260,
        "height": 800
      "maximumSize": {
        "width": 260,
        "height": 800
      "preferredDockedSize": {
        "width": 260,
        "height": 800
      "preferredFloatingSize": {
        "width": 260,
        "height": 800
      "label": {
        "default": "MY LABEL"
      "icons": [
          "width": 23,
          "height": 23,
          "path": "icons/dark@1x.png",
          "scale": [
          "theme": [
          "width": 23,
          "height": 23,
          "path": "icons/light@1x.png",
          "scale": [
          "theme": [
  "icons": [
       "width": 48,
       "height": 48,
       "scale": [
       "path": "icons/dark@2x.png",
       "theme": [
       "species": [
       "width": 48,
       "height": 48,
       "scale": [
       "path": "icons/light@2x.png",
       "theme": [
       "species": [


Thanks for providing the snippet.

If you are using manifestVersion: 5 then the allowed values for launchProcess are ‘schemes’ and ‘extensions’. launchProcess: "request" will not work. Please see the example below:

"permissions": {
        "launchProcess": {
             "schemes": [ "https", "slack", "adbxd" ],
             "extensions": [ ".pdf", ".xd", ".ps" ],
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I still don’t understand extensions option. Extensions in which protocol? file:// ? Or all of them? Do I have to specify file:// protocol or is it working by default?

  • extensions is for openPath (which can open apps associated w/ a document type)
  • schemes is for openExternal (which can open UIR schemes)
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@kerrishotts , on windows openPath works only on the plugin folder, I think it’s a bug because on the mac it works on all folders

These 2 commands are not documented good enough here: right? Could you please add it? Also with some examples what is possible and what not and also platform differences? Also if you could add examples how permission influence the behavior of that. @pklaschka