Get values from Layout grid / guides

I’m currently developing a plugin that relies on the Layout Grid values: column count, gutter width, etc. It would be useful if these values were part of the artboard node of a scenegraph.

Thanks for submitting this feature request. We will review this internally.

I’d like to start a vote-able item for getting API access to the guidelines.

Use case

Developer has a plugin that creates graphic items on an artboard, and would like to align/place them (by default) using any guidelines that are present.

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(@cpryland I’ve merged your request into this existing one that is very similar)

Is there any ETA on this? I have several requests (and use-cases of my own) of plugins managing grids, guidelines etc., and since at least layout grids have been a part of XD for quite a while now, support for them in the APIs would be great.

Thank you very much in advance :slightly_smiling_face:.

Has access to artboard guides been implemented? I don’t see anything in the docs about it.