Hi! I am Fabricio from the Fireblade Plugin
I’m just over a year developing the Fireblade plugin. I haven’t participated in the community so far, but I’m very excited to participate now.
Hi! I am Fabricio from the Fireblade Plugin
I’m just over a year developing the Fireblade plugin. I haven’t participated in the community so far, but I’m very excited to participate now.
Hi @paitoweb . Welcome to the community (I think you’ll find it to be a very helpful and friendly community – at least I do)
Also: Thank you for taking the time to write a short introduction. As I’ve argued here, I find these introductions to be incredibly valuable
Yes, welcome. Fireblade looks great.
Welcome @paitoweb! We’re glad to have you here
Hello Fabricio,
Welcome to the community. I’m a product designer from Beirut / Yerevan.
I have plenty of cool Ideas for XD plugins that I would really love to discuss them with you and see if we can make them happen.
Hi Robert,
Thank you for the contact.
I will love to know your ideas. We can talk about it.
I’ll send you a message.