I have a CEP plugin compatible with Indesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. Due to the limitation of CEP on apple Silicon, we are migrating our Photoshop plugin to UXP.
I need to know how this will appear in the Marketplace. Because now, I will have Illustrator and Indesign plugins written in CEP and a Photoshop Plugin written in UXP. So will I need to add two separate plugins to the store? And remove photoshop support from my CEP plugin. Or is it possible to have a mix of CEP and UXP in the store?
Sorry to reawaken this thread, but I have a related question. If the recommended course of action is to have multiple listings, this runs into a problem of naming, as listings cannot share the same name. For example, I would like to be able to publish my plugin GuideGuide for PS (UXP), and then AI, ID, and a few others as CEP. Is the current course of action to name them “GuideGuide for {App}”?