Obfuscate javascript

I am part of a photography forum team, I created my first uxp plugins and I would like to distribute it to forum members, but before distributing it I would like to obfuscate the javascript code, What service do you use to obfuscate the code? Thanks to anyone who wants to help me.

There are a few topics about this on the forum already. Check this one:

Thanks, I’ll take a look now

Jednou jsem si říkal, že bych mohl napsat komplet celý kód v češtině… názvy proměnných, tříd, vlastností… atd. včetně diakritiky a háčků nad písmeny. Zpomalilo by to porozumění textu :smiley: A potom možná nějaký nástroj na obfsucaci jako další vrstvu.

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I tried some obfuscator but after obfuscating the code it doesn’t work???

Do you obfuscate UXP or ExtendScript? Not all obfuscators work with ExtendScript. Or you need to fine tune settings to avoid some problems. But for UXP it should usually just work.

Also some obfuscation settings requires you to allow string execution in manifest file in UXP.

Jarda thanks
I thought it was something simpler.