Photoshop Plugin icons not showing up when docked with other items. Why?

When I add my Photoshop Plugin to the area on the side, instead of showing the icons, there’s just an empty space there:

Why is this happening?

Here’s the code I have in the manifest which specifies the icons:

    "icons": [
        {"width": 23, "height": 23, "path": "icons/dark@1x.png", "scale": [1], "theme": ["dark", "darkest"]},
        {"width": 46, "height": 46, "path": "icons/dark@2x.png", "scale": [2], "theme": ["dark", "darkest"]},
        {"width": 23, "height": 23, "path": "icons/light@1x.png", "scale": [1], "theme": ["lightest", "light"]},
        {"width": 46, "height": 46, "path": "icons/light@2x.png", "scale": [2], "theme": ["lightest", "light"]}
    "entrypoints": [
            "type": "panel",
            "id": "main",
            "label": {
                "default": "test-plugin-v1"
            "icons": [
                {"width": 23, "height": 23, "path": "icons/dark@1x.png", "scale": [1], "theme": ["dark", "darkest"]},
                {"width": 46, "height": 46, "path": "icons/dark@2x.png", "scale": [2], "theme": ["dark", "darkest"]},
                {"width": 23, "height": 23, "path": "icons/light@1x.png", "scale": [1], "theme": ["lightest", "light"]},
                {"width": 46, "height": 46, "path": "icons/light@2x.png", "scale": [2], "theme": ["lightest", "light"]}
            "minimumSize": {"width": 290, "height": 200},
            "maximumSize": {"width": 290, "height": 600},
            "preferredDockedSize": {"width": 230, "height": 300},
            "preferredFloatingSize": {"width": 290, "height": 400}

And those images are, indeed, at the path specified in the manifest file above.


Does it appear if you reduce the panel to a floating icon (that is, not docked)?


Try adding "species": [ "chrome"] to the panel’s icons, and "species": ["pluginList"] to the other ones.

That’s what I have in my manifest

           "width": 23, 
           "height": 23, 
           "path": "assets/plugin-icons/DarkTheme_I.png", 
           "scale": [ 
           "theme": [ 
           "species": [ 

It’s not necessary to define separate paths for different scales. @1x and @2x are added automatically

Tried that and still nothing somehow. Really not sure why.

I modeled this and it’s still not displaying the icons.

Found the solution, from here: Plugin and Panel Icons - #3 by chuckweger

Due to what I would argue is a VERY strange requirement, the manifest filename needs to be different from the actual filename.

This part of the file name is not supposed to be in manifest file but it should be in your file system as file name.