Plugin Launch/Showcase

I’m really struggling to see the benefits right now given all this information… :rofl:

I think ill stick to Shopify for the time being.

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For my latest plugin I used Gumroad instead of Marketplace. I can change price anytime I want, refund, contact customers, generate any discount codes I want to and see their usage, add video to my product description, when I have typo in product description I can fix it right now without building next plugin version and waiting for approval. I have all freedoms you would expect to have.

How do you ensure plugin is not pirated? Do you have a login system in your plugin and check if user has bought the plugin by using some Gumroad API?

I do use Gumroad API. Gumroad can generate automatically license keys. And in case of breach you can disable license key(s). And you could also use Google Analytics or something to track number of usages per location if you mention it in EULA. It requires an internet connection to verify but I don’t see it as a problem. I also use some extra tricks to make debugging pretty hard :smiley:


I am in great need of this!
Can you share the code you used to implement an API with uxp Plugin?

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