Plugin Launch/Showcase

After another couple of months of development and design/marketing setup, supper chuffed to finally release my first paid Photoshop UXP plugin on my website.

Glitch v1.0.1

Glitch, RGB, distortion and many more. All packed inside a feature-rich Photoshop plugin to give your images and designs that techno, dystopia look.

Glitch comes with additional settings for layer selections and effect enhancements. Add noise or RGB offsets to your images to further distort and glitch your images. Also included is the Active Layer selection mode, currently in Beta.

See the live product page here:


When I was writing TIFF parser to encode layers into the file… sometimes I made an error it wrote a file with a glitch. So I wonder about the approach of real file corruption. :smiley: But I guess with plugin users have better control about what to show.

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This does sound like an interesting idea! But yeh it’s nice to give the user some sort of control of the effect hey.

Very creative. I like it :slight_smile:

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Thanks mate very much appreciated.

That´s great @Blaz! Have you considered to publish it on the Adobe Marketplace as well? Would also like to see a plugin showcase of Glitch here: Behance
Please reach out for questions

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5.2 Distribution Channels. We may require you to distribute approved Developer Software through Adobe Exchange or other channels approved by us. We may restrict distribution of approved Developer Software through any channels not approved by us.

@Ingo–That’s from the Adobe Developer Additional Terms document. It sounds like if Blaz does publish his plugin on the Adobe Marketplace, then Adobe could potentially restrict him from distributing it himself, or perhaps requiring approval to self-distribute. I’m not sure how to interpret that statement. Can certainly appreciate Adobe’s proprietary control over plugins, as it is their technology, but unsure if dual distribution is a viable long-term strategy for developers based on this statement in the “Terms” document.

@Blaz–Not trying to steal your thread. This looks like a very interesting plugin that makes creating various glitches quite easy. Good luck with it.

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Thanks for the reply and feedback guys. Much appreciated for your time.

@Ingo Thanks mate! I have considered submitting to the Adobe Marketplace and would be willing, however, decided not to this moment. My reasoning for your feedback:

  • After reading through the criteria here - some criteria discouraged me as I’m still learning the ecosystem and improving on my Javascript skills
  • I like having the presentation control on my own sales website
  • I couldn’t find any information around what the % commission is from selling on the marketplace
  • As I slowly build the brand and release more plugins, uploading to the marketplace was on my road map for more exposure

With all the above said, however, none of these are really a huge roadblock. I have however seen it can sometimes be tricky to upload the CCX to the submit for review, but haven’t not debugged why or spent much time on this so can’t really comment on this. Also seen some forum posts with issues some people have.

I’ll submit the Plugin showcase for you linked to regardless of not being on the marketplace and see what the adobe gods do :rofl:

@AnthonyK Thank you mate, appreciate the feedback!
Very valid point, that 5.2 terms makes it very unclear. I’m sure adobe would approve selling on a personal site as well as the marketplace, but still something to consider. Not being able to sell on a personal site and have full creative control - opposed to a few screenshots and links in the limited marketplace uploads, would be an instant turnoff for me.

A sales site allows to really market the plugin more than you can achieve in the marketplace listing.

I definitely see the allure of uploading to the marketplace for extra exposure, and the wonderful ability to have all your plugins in the cloud across multiple machines. Being a one-man show, however, the freedom of not being tied to the marketplace (given it’s a harder process to get found) still draws me in however.

My roadmap will likely be trying to build a community on my Shopify store organically, then slowly expand to also include the Adobe Marketplace.

To complicate things, also pondering on uploading plugins to third-party marketplaces like envato, Filter Grade, etc etc. Wonder how this would affect the Adobe Marketplace listing, if at all.

All this is an interesting topic nonetheless for all the creators and publishers across this forum.

At the very beginning, when I submitted my first plugin (two versions - free and paid) on Marketplace and also added a download link on my website to a free version, paid plugin was not approved just because of that link to a free version. After my appeal Adobe approved it, but still… Not cool.

So I suppose they are quite strict about paid plugins distribution if it’s already in Marketplace

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Yeh, that experience is definitely a turn-off for me.


You lose 10% from the Marketplace listing price - 5% to Adobe and another 5% to Fastspring

Another downside of Marketplace - you have no idea how many people even downloaded your plugins. Or installed for that matter. Especially applies for free versions, because for paid you can at least see on Fastspring how many purchaced. But even there I didn’t see any filters to split stats by plugin for longer periods of time. Adobe currently does not provide any stats, although, to be fair, during one of the recent meet-ups, they promised something for the end of the year in that regard

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Yeh with all the information, it has really lost its appeal for me…

So far the only upside of Marketplace I see, is that you don’t have to deal yourself with sales platform (neither 3rd parties, if we exclude Fastspring) and GDPR stuff. And I’m too lazy to implement any 3rd party stores on my plugin page :roll_eyes:

When they add proper stats and introduce a subscription model and we’ll see how it’s implemented, then we can discuss again :slight_smile:

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Oh, and Marketplace offers a decent level of protection from theft (if you obfuscate JS and implement plugin ID check), if you’re too lazy (like me) to implement some login into a plugin, which again complicates things much more

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Thanks all for your comments here. We are just about to simplify the guidelines for marketplace distribution and will allow for multiple monetization options when you distribute on out end.
There are for sure many benefits for you and your customers when the plugin is distributed over the marketplace. And yes, there is also room for improvement. Join us for the upcoming developer meetup on Sept 8 to learn more.
@Blaz I´d like to discuss that topic and hear your concerns in a quick meeting. Please reach out to me at Thanks and have a great weekend everybody!

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Oh, one more thing :slight_smile: After you reach $100 on Fastspring, they transfer these funds to Hyperwallet (yes, you need to create an account there too) and then you have two options to cash out:

  • Transfer money to Paypal, in which case transfer fee is crazy
  • Transfer money to your bank account, in which case, if it’s in different currency, exchange rate is insane

which is a Paypal service as well, so nothing else to expect :smiley:

I actually couldn’t find any info on the exchange rate. Do you have hyperwallet set to dollar or your countries currency? I have it in euro and it seems like that just convert it without giving any details about the rate, at least I couldn’t quickly find it.

I had a discussion with Hyperwallet support. In my case, there is no good way to avoid awful fees. As far as I remember it will show what you get right before the final confirmation.

I have PayPal, which can receive in USD, but there’s a transfer fee

I also have my bank account in EUR, but then there’s a conversion rate. I’m not sure if I could transfer in USD to my bank account, so I could use a much better conversion rate provided by my bank :man_shrugging:

I have both EUR and USD accounts within my Czech bank and I can assure you that all transfer methods are f***** up. It will always add some non-sense fees or conversions.

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