Popover not working?


I’m trying to create a context menu by leveraging the <sp-popover> element so that the menu can extend beyond the bounds of the plugin panel. However, the native popover element doesn’t seem to render at all in InDesign (and the SWC one is getting clipped to the panel border).
I’ve tried it in the Playground, to keep things as simple as possible, see the screenshot, and I’ve tried in various forms in the code, with no luck.

Can anyone verify that this is indeed a bug/limitation/whatever, and I’m not losing my mind? And are there any other options?

(PS. looks like it’s the same for Photoshop)

The code I offered in this thread (based on the code of others, I hasten to add) fundamentally works:


Revisiting it just now (I thought I had better check the code still worked), it may be that you can’t use an sp-menu and sp-menu-items within the sp-popover because the text in the sp-menu-item does seem to be clipped to the panel edge (or it needs some extra css to work), but the popover is definitely extending beyond the bounds of the panel edge (which is what you have asked for), as you can see when the sp-popover contains this crude code:

<div style="background-color: grey">
	<div style="color:white; font-size:12px; padding:4px">Do something</div>
	<div style="color:white; font-size:12px; padding:4px">Do something else</div>
	<div style="color:white; font-size:12px; padding:4px">Do a third thing</div>

resulting in this:

I’ll be interested if you find a way to have a context menu popup where the mouse has been clicked in the panel.


Looks like the <sp-popup> needs to be nested inside a <sp-overlay> to work.
I got it to work just now.