Provide URL schema/protocol to show plugin in Adobe XD (from Website)

Currently, it is quite challenging to get users from a plugin’s landing page to the correct spot in the ‘Discover plugins’ panel in XD. Leading users to the correct plugin gets even more difficult for me since one of my plugins is named ‘Lorem Ipsum’ and I’m sure it won’t stay the only plugin users can find by searching for “Lorem Ipsum” for long :wink:.

Therefore, it would be great if XD provided a custom URL scheme (i.e. protocol) registered in the OS with which the “Discover plugins” panel gets opened and the specified plugin gets highlighted.

With such a system in place, we could directly link to a URL like xdplugins://<plugin_id> and users could easily install the plugin after finding it on the website. Currently, the only “reliable” way to let users install the plugin from one’s website is to provide the .xdx file for download, making automatic updates (almost) impossible.

This has made it into the product already. Thanks for your feedback -

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