Is it possible to get a stand-alone installer again? Our division’s license agreement with Adobe specifically excludes Creative Cloud (we can’t even install apps from a personal Adobe account) so we have no way to work on UXP automation and tools.
Sorry for the late reply here; just noticed it!
Are you using the admin console to install apps & plugins?
No worries! Our IT team use the admin console for setting policies and such, I don’t have much visibility into the specifics though. End users install Adobe apps from a jamf managed service. Generally the only plugins we do / can install are those we can manually move into the plugins folder. I finally released a UXP plugin for testing and discovered that the CC Desktop app is the installer, so we’d need that as an independent tool as well.
I’d need a standalone installer, because my users are not allowed to install Apps from the CC-App. Instead I’m using the admin console to create packages that are deployed with munki. But in the Admin Console it is not possible to create a package with the UXP Dev Tools.
best regards
@o_h, we’re adding support to the admin console for the UXP Developer Tools. Should be coming soon.
Are you a member of any Ps Prerelease? If so, there’s an older standalone installer in the prerelease that might work for you.
Is there a status update on this? We’re currently looking at updating our old CEP-plugins and ExtendScripts for Photoshop to the new UXP platform. But we are unable to download and install UXP Developer Tool since it’s not available in our Admin Console? (Creative Cloud access is blocked in our organization).
We’ve found the devtools-cli alternative on GitHub, but so far we’ve failed to get it running (“Websocket error [object Object]”)
Is there news about this stand alone version?
I’ve found this old repo, isnt there a newer version?
Still no news regarding this issue?