Status of UXP DevTools CLI?

For my plugins I’d like to automate some of the build and test processes and for that I was looking into the UXP Devtools CLI - however I see that this hasn’t had any update in over 2 years?
Is this tool still supported, can we expect an update? Or how do other people deal with Devops integrations?

I checked, and the tool isn’t dead, we just haven’t had enough bandwidth to update it lately.

Thank you for posting this :pray:t2: as it does help prove there is demand to update this tool!


UXP Devtools CLI cannot be installed successfully with the provided instructions. The installation has a lot of dependencies errors.

Hi @dongdt_pxz,

Thanks for reporting this.

Could you share your use case for wanting to use the CLI? It might help convince engineering to update the tool.

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After reading README file again, I found that installation from package manager is not supported. It work when building using Node 18.20.2.
We need a way to automate the packaging job and integrate it into the CI/CD pipeline

Also GitHub version does not match the version on NPM. And I could not make work automated testing according to guidelines.

Hi @Erin_Finnegan, I’ll jump on here too - from what I understand, the CLI’s uxp plugin package would mean we could automate for CI/CD. This evening I was unable to successfully run npm install @adobe/uxp-devtools-cli on any version of node on both arm64 (expected from README) and x64 architectures.

There is new pull request… probably from Adobe: Fix cli issues by Govind-gupta75 · Pull Request #13 · adobe-uxp/devtools-cli · GitHub …it is not merged yet.

I think you can install it if you don’t use npm: Installation failure · Issue #9 · adobe-uxp/devtools-cli · GitHub

Thanks for the advice, @Jarda and @Erin_Finnegan.

I’ve tried the following, all without success:

  1. Using the open PR but it seems to be failing to build the electron app portion on my machine. Fails on: command "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/node/22.1.0/bin/node" "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/node/22.1.0/libexec/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild"

  2. Downloading the package linked in issue #9 but I get some sort of security complaint preventing it: The browser could not find the client cert installed by the Banyan App. Is this accessible to the outside world or is it just something for internal Adobe builds?

  3. Npm installing the @adobe-fixed-uxp/uxp-devtools-cli package also referenced in issue #9 but it complains with: No native build was found for platform=darwin arch=arm64 runtime=node abi=115 uv=1 armv=8 libc=glibc node=20.14.0

Do either of you experience anything similar or does it all work for you? If it’s working would you mind sharing build tool version info (node, python, etc)?

Alternatively, is there an option for building the CLI tool without also building the electron app? I understand that it needs to communicate with the electron app, I’m just hung-up on the build.

I’m currently in the process of working on PR . Could you please try with node v18.20.3?

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If there is any node version requirement could you please add check at the begining of process and throw error with meaningful error message if NodeJS version is wrong?

Builds successfully on v18.20.3 - thank you!

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I was unable to install the CLI on a current node version or on. 18.20.3. I get the error Error: Cannot find module 'tar'

It worked for my on Windows 11. But it took few days to figure it out how to install it successfully.