I’ve been asked if it’s possible build CCX files is part of an automated workflow. That would request a way to do it from command line instead of from the Developer Tool.
It looks like the @adobe/uxp-devtools-cli package should be able to do this, however, it has a rabbit hole of dependency issues and doesn’t install.
CCX is nothing else, but the ZIP renamed. Any tool that can compress and rename will do. I personally have a Webpack set up to handle everything and Dev Tools are used exclusively to load and debug
I have no doubt if works for them . I think it’s a documentation issue, there are some external dependancies that I don’t have the bandwidth to figure out. @Karmalakas’ solution will work for me, but I’d be happy to talk to someone at Adobe and show them what I ran into.
The uxp plugin package command can be used to generate CCX files in an automated way.
Note: if an App is connected the package command will do an elaborate validation of the plugin package(mainly manifest validation), else it does an basic check if no app is connected.