Supressing dialog loading bar?

My plugins sometimes take a few seconds to update the effect and appears a “Please Wait” loading bar that I do not invoke, however I want to be able to suppress or better to extend the time before the loading window appears which is not the best user experience IMHO. I want to extend this time until let’s say something really needed like 10 seconds without any change.

I guess suppressing it won’t be possible as for user experience is good to have something to cancel the process which is good, but it is a way to extend the time before it appears? Does this makes sense?

Is it possible?

Thank you!

I had looked into that in the past, but I don’t think there is a way to disable that or change the default time that triggers it.
I think what I ended up doing is forcing it to show up and controlling the messages it displays and progress. That gave me a better user experience than just the random wait message.

I think that the timing for the popup may be based on a single action taking more than a few seconds. So maybe breaking things up into separate calls somehow might prevent it?

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You could set interactive mode to true to hide it… but then you get much worse issues… impatient users interfering with your scripts :smiley:


That could be a solution tho, gonna see if splitting works! Thanks!

Hahaha, well users on this side sent feedback about that annoying loading bar and that they are ok with processing times, so removing it is my plan A, testing and user feedback after updating this will decide if it was a good move or not haha!

Where do you set that “interactive mode” to true Jarda?

Nvm I found it in the docs, thanks gonna see if this works!!

@Jarda Just tested interactive mode true and Got back to without interactive mode, it feels off somehow so I prefer the loading modal haha, thanks again!