Unable to link

No matter what I do, I am unable to get Adobe XD to be able to access my Google Sheets link. The Google Sheets link is set to public so there should be no problem right? Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am able to make this work with a CSV file but I do need to have images in the spreadsheet and that doesn’t seem possible with CSV, so I would like to have it link to my Google Sheets spreadsheet. Thanks

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what plugin are you using ?

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It’s called “Google Sheets for Adobe XD”. Maybe there is a different one that might work better? Thanks

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i think there are a couple of them. Try them all. Maybe that one doesn’t work (anymore)


Hi @RickXD123,

welcome to the community :wave::slightly_smiling_face:.

Generally speaking, this forum is about plugin development, not usage. Plugins provide a support link accessible in the “Discover Plugins” window inside XD. This link, however, appears to be dead for the “Google Sheets” plugin (developed by Impekable).

CCing @neal-impekable (since, from the username, it appears you might know something about this :slightly_smiling_face:).

With the last release being the initial release in October 2018 (when plugins got launched for XD) and the project page no longer being online, I suspect the plugin might no longer be maintained… That’s just speculation on my part, though.

It might, all in all, therefore be a good choice to (for now) look for alternatives. That, however, really doesn’t belong into the developer forums :wink:.

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