Verify plugin with Adobe

Hi guys,

As in this document:
When installing plugin with .ccx file there will be a warning:

This will open the Creative Cloud application, and you’ll get a warning that your plugin hasn’t been verified by Adobe.

I’m aware, although not sure but we could get our plugin verified with Adobe when putting it on Marketplace. Just wondering, other than that, is there anyway I can get my plugin verified in order to hide/pass this warning message?

I have tried installing it with command line and Universal Plugin Installer Agent (UPIA), In Windows (haven’t tried in MacOS), it results like silent install without any warning message. But I have to consider the case when users have .ccx file and double click to install it.

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Verification happens through distribution in our marketplace and a review by our team when uploading new versions through the IO console.

There is currently no way to “verify” a plugin that’s not distributed through the marketplace, i.e., if you want to distribute outside the marketplace, you’ll either need to go the UPIA route or “accept” the warning (maybe advise users about it).

We are looking into solutions for this, but as you can imagine, this is a complex topic, so I can’t make any promises or give any timelines!

While this is probably not the answer you were hoping for, I hope it at least helps with your planning.

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Thank you for clarifying, it is a thorough answer and really helpful for me.

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