Want to upgrade Chrome version in CEP extension

I want to upgrade my chrome version in CEP extension I am using the CEP version of 6.0 and when I alert the chromium version in CEP 6.0 then I got chrome version 88.0.4324.150 and when I upgrade the CEP by 12.0 then it’s also return the same chrome version - 88.0.4324.150.
In my system, I have chrome version of 131.0.6778.205 then why it’s showing the older version of chrome in CEP extension. I want to upgrade my CEP chrome version how can I upgrade it.

This is impossible. The Chromium version that is used is baked into InDesign (using CEF), it is not using your local Chrome.
See CEP-Resources/CEP_11.x/Documentation/CEP 11.1 HTML Extension Cookbook.md at master · Adobe-CEP/CEP-Resources · GitHub

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