cc @ashryan for his feedback & comments.
To your points, @simonhenke:
- Going back to the end of the review queue is the only fair way to manage updates – otherwise the system could be gamed in ways that would slow down reviews for everyone else.
- Distribution via other channels using the same ID or different ID is up to you. If you use the same ID, then your user can opt-in to continue to receive updates from the marketplace when they are released. IMO, this is the smoothest option from the user’s perspective. If you use a different ID, the plugins act as two separate versions, and so a user with both may end up confused as to which is which. Further, with a separate ID, there are no automatic update notifications.
I like @pklaschka’s take on doing this as an early-access/beta release process, where those who are OK w/ getting plugins via a website can still do so, while (assuming you use the same ID), getting the update notifications when approved & released on the marketplace.