XD 38 and UXP Tool are out now, with some improvements for plugin developers. Here’s the changelog.
1. Layout APIs for Stacks and Padding
XD 38 contains the first Layout APIs for Stacks and Padding with getters and setters. Stacks and padding have been available to prerelease users since XD 36.0.25, but now they are publicly available.
2. Adobe UXP Developer Tool; Unified Dev Tools (UDT)
Developers using macOS and Windows can now use the Unified Developer Tools (UDT) to help with building and debugging XD plugins. (Previously the tool was only available for Photoshop UXP development.) UDT can be downloaded directly from XD via the “Plugins/Development/Get Developer Tools” menu item, or from the Creative Cloud Desktop app, by following these instructions. Once UDT is downloaded and installed, XD can launch or bring it to the front from the same menu item. Here’s the documentation.
To report issues or share feedback on the Layout APIs or UDT, please use this short survey.
3. Windows Menu Changes
As of XD 38, we’ve be replaced the “hamburger” menu in the upper-left of the product UI with a top-level menu on XD for Windows (much like we deliver on Mac). Now that the top menus will be available, the right menu within the application has fewer context-specific menu options.
Please let us know in this thread if the Windows menu changes have affected your plugin layout.