ClientID and ApiKey are not present in CCStorage AllowList

I’m working with Creative Cloud Libraries APIs.

I’m able to generate the tokens and request libraries and elements (https_:_//…9b9/elements)

From elements response, for example I choose one:

“id”: “abb9220f-5076-4188-bcdc-93c12a7b0800”,
“name”: “FJG-Landing Page.V6”,
“storage_used”: 381541,
“type”: “application/vnd.adobe.element.image+dcx”,
“roles”: ,

“thumbnail”: {
“type”: “href”,

“rendition”: “https_:_//…”,
“elementType”: “application/vnd.adobe.element.image+dcx”,
“elementId”: “abb9220f-5076-4188-bcdc-93c12a7b0800”

“groups”: [{
“id”: “ec8fe2e0-f615-47b0-b6da-065a4ad97e22”,
“name”: “Dev_FJ2”,
“classifier”: “$default”,
“order”: “h”

“http_://": {
“href”: "https

and with the rendition link I try to download the file (https_:_//,

and I’m getting the following error message:

“reason”: “forbidden”,

“message”: “ClientID and ApiKey are not present in CCStorage AllowList. Please contact Storage Service team to get it added.”

I added all the scopes I saw in docs to the token (openid,creative_sdk,profile,address,AdobeID,email,cc_files,cc_libraries)

Do I miss something? I didn’t receive any response from email.