[InDesign] Unable to Install UXP Plug-in .ccx

The InDesign UXP plug-in I’m developing won’t package correctly. I can build and attach it fine from UDT locally, but the packaged .ccx plug-in file refuses to install on my machine and multiple other people’s machines with various ID and OS versions.

My source code: Letterer-Helper-Plugin/Letterer-Helper at main · saraoswald/Letterer-Helper-Plugin · GitHub

The largely meaningless error from Creative Cloud when trying to install:

Couldn't install plugin, please try again.
Error code -1. 

My plug-in is using webpack. There doesn’t seem to be an issue when running the code locally, and I have no way of knowing if that’s what’s causing the error.

I tried packaging the plug-in from UDT 2.0.0 and 2.1.0, but neither version made a difference.

I tried using the Validator for UXP plugin, but that doesn’t turn up any results.

I tried deleting the plugin from UDT and adding it, but again nothing.

I’m kind of at a loss here, so any ideas are appreciated.

Hi @salinsley
Can you please share your ccx package with me (vvarshne at adobe dot com) ? Let me check what is happening and what could be the reason.

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Okay, I’ll send it to you. Thanks!