Web workers for UXP

I know this is a longer-term item, but it would be great to have web workers in the UXP environment eventually, for computation-intensive plugins.

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Totally agreed! Web workers would be super awesome. :slight_smile:

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There is no immediate plan for this but I will keep you posted


I’m working on a project that does some background processing (syntax highlighting and text compare) and both spin up the hour glass on large content. My plugin would benefit from web workers.

Also, slightly related, can web workers include all the functionality of the main thread? For my case, I’d like to send some text to a syntax highlighter and it does it’s thing and then returns the updated html when it’s done. IIRC Web Workers can only share or pass primitives between them not full objects like the document object model correct?

There’s some new project out there (can’t remember its name) that purports to make Web Workers almost first-class citizens like foreground processing.

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Would this be for working in UXP?