Why did all Adobe Exchange plugins suddenly stop showing up in Google Search?

I just noticed this over the last couple of days: For some reason, Adobe Exchange plugin listing pages have just completely stopped showing up on Google Search results. Like, nowhere to be found.

Even if I exactly type the name of my, or other plugins, they just aren’t showing up anywhere in Google Search.

What’s the deal? Did Adobe make a mistake and upload a sitemap that says “do not index” all plugins or something?

OK first of all, let’s keep it clean around here @king_anton (I meant about the swearing).

In the last two weeks the Exchange Marketplace rolled out a DSA compliance policy: Enter your trader information to comply with the EU DSA

If you distribute on the Exchange and are located in the EU maybe there was some effect. Please name some of your plugins, I’ll take a look.

@king_anton This page will help you understand the background.

I don’t know whether Adobe intends to or not, but if Adobe Exchange is excluded from Google or other Internet searches, or its display ranking is significantly reduced, then Adobe gains internal control over plugin search results/plugin findability.

Adobe Express add-ons also keep the search functionality internal only now.

This doesn’t seem isolated to just my plugin; this issue seems to impacting many Adobe Exchange plugins – searching for some popular ones, I’m seeing the same thing (other examples include: “pixabay”, “watermark 3 pro”, “Luminosity Masks - ARCPanel 3.0”, “PiXimperfect Compositing”, etc). Even doing a search via Google exclusively on exchange.adobe.com (via searches like “pixabay adobe exchange photoshop plugin site:exchange.adobe.com”), my and these other plugins are STILL not showing up anywhere on the Google Search Results. (I’m currently not noticing the problem on Microsoft Edge / Bing.)

The other guy noted that maybe the recent EU regulations are impacting visibility – note that I submitted all required EU compliance information weeks ago, so my plugin page shouldn’t be missing anything in that regard.

It almost seems as though a large number of plugin listing pages have just been completely removed from the Google Search Engine indexing / exchange.adobe.com sitemap.

OK, thanks for the examples!

I let @rauchwer and @agandhi know about it.