If plugins/add-ons are accidentally hidden in the EU region for some reason, non-EU developers cannot notice it. How do we check?
There ware some suggestions such as using a VPN or using a different account.
Related to this.
If plugins/add-ons are accidentally hidden in the EU region for some reason, non-EU developers cannot notice it. How do we check?
There ware some suggestions such as using a VPN or using a different account.
Related to this.
Hi @sttk3, why should plugins accidetially be hidden in the EU? We take your input for the decision: Either your developer profile shows the Trader information, then your plugins and add-ons will be visible or you opted out or did not enter any feedback based on the DSA to your profile, then your plugins /add-ons won’t get displayed. You can always check your developer profile and see what is displayed/stored there.
Everything else is a workaround if you don’t trust that solution Should we get aware of an issue since someone is reporting this to us we can check on our end. For example a customer would complain that he/she can’t access or find an add-on.
What you can do: You can use the share link to your add-on or plugin and share that with one in the EU. If the plugin/add-ons is available, then they can see and acquire/buy it. If the plgugin/add-on is not available, then they can still see it with this direct link but also see a banner that it’S not available in that region. Hope that helps
I didn’t have to limit the topic to the hidden state. In other words, how can a non-EU user verify for themselves if the visible state is as intended?
Since an Adobe employee recommended using a VPN, or creating a separate account and using it as an EU region, can you explain the details of how to do that? I was informed that you are very knowledgeable about it.
Or, if there is another way for non-EU users to check by themselves, could you please describe it?
Here’s how to change your region with an active subscription: https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/change-country-associated-with-adobe-id.html#active
Scroll up that page for other options.
You could try a VPN server set up in an EU member state: https://mullvad.net/en/server
You can also find many articles online like this one about setting up your browser to appear to be browsing from a different location: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/disable-fake-location-firefox-internet-explorer-chrome/
Thanks for the response.
What is the best way to turn a free sub-Adobe account into an EU region while still being free? It seems that changing the country of the main account where the subscription is active changes the country for tax procedures.
I can’t answer that question, you would have to ask Customer Support, or reach out in a forum like community.adobe.com, probably this one: https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install/ct-p/ct-download-and-install?page=1&sort=latest_replies&lang=all&tabid=all
Since you’re also in the Community Experts program, you might ask in those forums.
Either way, you might have to explain with links to the DSA pages what you are trying to accomplish.
Hi again @sttk3,
The changes are rolling out to the marketplace, so I tried the Hamburg VPN to see what the experience is like looking at your listings:
If I am loggind into adobe.com with my U.S. based account I can download these without a problem, even if I am on the Hamburg VPN:
However, if I am logged out I get a notice that the listing is not available in the EU:
The “Learn More” button links out to the EU Digital Services legal page… I don’t think that’s the most ideal experience, and will share this feedback with my team.
I take it you didn’t fill out the trader information yet.
Thank you for experimenting. That means something like this.
As for the Adobe Express add-on, can you also post a screenshot here of how it looks in EU/USA/VPN? Because as you well know, that is currently not possible on my account. Can you find my add-on LoadingBay by searching for it, or has it been erased from existence?
LoadingBay is available in the U.S. for sure:
EU with a U.S. Account:
I was able to remove and re-add your add-on even on EU VPN.
EU logged out view:
…there is no “logged out” view of the Add-ons marketplace just yet, so I’m not able to test this with my U.S. account. I’ll ask a colleague…
So if you search for it (with an account in Italy) you get nothing:
With a direct link you get this:
Thank you for report. That means something like this, correct? (Strictly expressed, you have not indicated that LoadingBay can be found in a search in the U.S.)
Add-ons from developers who do not have DSA information or have opted out of the EU market are available for use and findable within Adobe Express in non-EU regions, including the U.S.
Those add-ons are not findable or usable in Adobe Express in the EU; EU users can still get information about the add-ons if they know the address of the shared link or if they find it via Google search, etc.
Search results for add-ons in Adobe Express must be logged in to see them, so the regional information of Adobe account is always used. VPN has no effect.
The question was “How can a non-EU user verify for themselves if the visible state is as intended?” but can’t be accomplished by one developer themselves? Is there any way to achieve this?
Here’s a video:
Yeah, I mean, I just accomplished this. I have free Adobe VPN at my disposal, but there are many paid VPN options around the world.
When asked to log in, choose the prompt to create a new account:
Create a free Adobe ID with a new email address. (You can still use whatever name and birthday connected with your regular account, it seems.)
Once signed up and logged in I can search for add-ons:
It’s my understanding that in the future the Express Add-on Marketplace will support a logged-out state, but it doesn’t now.
An aside: I didn’t need to provide any credit card information for the free account.
I also didn’t have to verify my email address before I was able to search the add-ons.
In other words, if we create a free Adobe account with the region as EU on the VPN (instead of making our existing account EU), we can have a persistent EU user.
Thank you, I will give it a try.
Attempts to resolve this issue have stalled due to another problem: “After creating a new free Adobe account, it can never be deleted”.
I don’t know where you read that.
Here’s how to delete an account: https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/delete-adobe-account.html
Sorry, that was not a quote, I simply wanted to group sentences.
The correct item is the following.
Currently Bosco Han san is the person responsible for replying to the issue of not being able to delete account and I am waiting to be contacted on Discord #add-on-developers.
An experiment was done to create a new Adobe account as an EU region.
It seems that as long as the developer is logged into their Adobe account for the EU region, the marketplace will always actually show up as the EU region. In other words, developers can check the visibility of the marketplace for the EU region by themselves in this way.
When I created a new Adobe account, I used a VPN to go to the EU region website. However, I had to specify the region in the drop-down after creating the account, so perhaps the VPN can be skipped.
And the visible status of the developer’s artifacts that have not sent DSA is as follows.
CEP/UXP published in Adobe Exchange is not found in its internal search; if users open directly to the shared links found in Google search, etc., they can see the information but cannot install or purchase the software. It does not matter if it is paid or free. Both are invisible/disabled.
This listing is not currently available in the EU
This developer has not yet submitted the trader information required by the EU Digital Services Act.
And the MORE BY THIS PUBLISHER column does not appear.
Adobe Express add-ons are not found in new.express.adobe.com/add-ons or in the Add-ons panel in Adobe Express. If users open directly the shared links found in Google search, etc., they can see the information but cannot install the add-ons.
This listing is not currently available in the EU
This developer has not yet submitted the trader information required by the EU Digital Services Act.
URL such as https://adobesparkpost.app.link/TR9Mb7TXFLb?addOnId=w1k24g92l
(which is the same as the result of the Add-on panel’s share button) will result in https://new.express.adobe.com/add-ons?addOnId=w1k24g92l
and the same message as above appears. Users can see the information but cannot install it.
URL such as https://new.express.adobe.com/new?category=addOns&addOnId=w1k24g92l
(which is the same as the list of new.express.adobe.com/add-ons), the relevant add-on appears in the Add-ons panel.
The Add button is simply disabled and no feedback is given back to the user as to why it is disabled. Users can read the message that this developer has not submitted the DSA by expanding the collapsed Trader Infomation accordion.
CEP/UXP published to Adobe Exchange will hit searches as before. Installation is possible.
Add-ons will hit the search in new.express.adobe.com/add-ons and in the Add-ons panel in Adobe Express as before. Installation is possible.
Same as when logged in with an EU Adobe account.
Same as when logged in the other region’s Adobe account.
Users can see information about the add-on if they open the shared link directly. Searching and installation can only be done when the user is logged in, so there is no need to investigate further.