Is it possible to access the different states of SymbolInstance via the API?
I have a component with two states Default and Hover - is it possible to access the Hover state of that component?
Unfortunately the plugin APIs cannot get that information at this time. That feature is on our to-do list:
Thank you. I hope we’ll get this feature soon!
I have another Use Case:
Unfortunately in XD it is the case, that States in non master SymbolInstances do not autonatically adapt to some property changes in the Default State. For instance if i change the witdth and text of a non master Button in the Default State, all other States will not adapt. I will have to manually change the width and text in all other e.g. 3 states. If you consider that my designs have hundreds of buttons you can imagine the effort.
Now if XD cannot automatically update unchanged properties of sub States of a non master Symbol to the newest property values of the Default State for whatever reason, i would at least like to solve this by using a script. For this purpose i have to be able to Iterate over 1) master Symbols 2) and their States
- i do not want to make several master Symbols for the same Button with different texts or widths
- i do not want to be forced to place all master Symbols on the Artboard
- i do not want to overwrite SymbolInstance Properties to not break the Inheritance from the master
@DavidXD Can you estimate when that feature will be available? It’s already on your list since 2019… Needless to say that it is crucial for exporting designs meaningfully. Many thanks!
That Trello board with planned features is not correct. I have asked for it to be updated. As for getting more information about Components and their states, I have reiterated to the team that this is a top feature request. It is certainly being discussed, but I am not able to provide details or any estimates. As a plugin developer myself, I understand that the lack of progress and information is frustrating.
Together with our clients, we would like to export our XD artboards for the software developers who are utilizing Qt. We would like to know when you think the API feature will be available and fully functional, I know it has been on the to do list since 2019. Many thanks