How can we export states to development?

How can we export states to development?
In the specs there is only one state in the component (Default State). How can development have access to every state?
I have been trying to figure it out, the Dev API only talks bout interactionTriggers (which returns null every time) but there does not seem to be a way to get a component’s (SceneNode) state.
This should be a priority (if it does not exist). It is pointless support component states but neglect to share them. Are we supposed to create a screen for every instance of the components we use?

Agree, this feature should be first priority for XD team. A lot of designers working with third-party software like ZeroHeight / Zeplin etc. When I export components to ZeroHeight it doesn’t see components and I need to make a component for each state or use similar time-consuming workarounds and it’s very annoying.

Please vote on this feature request.

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Just a question on this, how are people handling this in the meantime? I’ve been outputting each state as an asset to ingest into zeroheight, but obviously this makes things really messy, really quickly.

Anyone have any better alternatives they’ve found?

I would like to upvote this feature as well. State support is pretty critical to working with third parties. Very important to me and my team.

Are there any updates on this? I’m trying to get real world things built and I need to get things like component states out into documentation and design systems. Right now I’m just stuck.

Are the component states only going to be kept for visual elements and prototypes (ie, not meant for dev specs or real world building)?

I would like to add my $0.02 here as well. My team also uses Zeroheight, and having the ability to support states on components in the design system would go a huge way to making the development workflow smooth. (In particular, showing states on icons - hover, active, disabled, etc - with downloadable assets for each state.)

Still can’t believe there’s only 25 votes on this feature. What is everyone actually doing with XD?