Hello everyone, I'm Jef and I want to learn and contribute

Having read the intro bump from pklaschka, I’d like to write a short introduction about me for you.

I’m a retoucher for 10 years now.
Somewhere down the line I found out about xbytor’s work, after which I found out about Davide Baranca, and after a lot of lurking I started automating my own work some 2 years ago.

My favourites: a positioning script based on what is interesting in the picture, an implementation of the canny edge detector :partying_face:, and something to get an e-mail when my photoshop batch is done so I can go make a coffee and my phone will let me know when to come back. :wink:

I’m not here for XD, but to figure out how to build photoshop panels, apparently that’s completely different than Extendscript? ES6/json is still rather new to me, but I followed a bootcamp and that went reasonably well. :grinning:

I’m very much still finding my way around uxp and I’m hoping for some guidance and support.
I’ll join in where ever possible, but I’ll have a lot to learn before I can offer much help on uxp.

At least I can already occasionally be helpful on the Photoshop scripting forum.

See you around!


Welcome to the community :slightly_smiling_face: :wave: !

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Welcome to the community, @jbr ! Happy to have you around, and hopefully we can help you on your scripting & extensibility journey!