I can't find any published plugins in Adobe Developer Console


I have published “Image minify”, “Flowkit”, and “Artboard for PDF” as XD plugin. However, when I checked the revamped Developer Console (Loading... | Adobe Developer Console), I can’t find any information about the published plugins.
I would like to know if there are any glitches in my account or if there are any flaws in operation.

Steps to reproduce

  1. I viewed http://console.adobe.io in Chrome.
  2. I have logged in with my Adobe ID.
  3. I couldn’t find any information about my plugin that has been published.

Hi there!

The short answer is yes; we are experiencing Console problems at this time.

If other people are experiencing similar issues, please let us know in this thread.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

I can see all our projects, but looking at distribution for one of them says we have no public profile? That can’t be true, because we have at least 3 published plugins.

Hi Chris,

During a recent testing session, we had to do a workaround that involved updating our public profile… perhaps give that a try? (I thought that was only something on Stage, but it couldn’t hurt to try it.)

So our public profile has been lost?

I don’t think that’s the case!

Just updating it was a workaround for some kind of bug…

Hi there, I have the same problem.
I can’t find published plugins.
Is there a solution?

Following plugins:

  • Resize Artboard to Fit Content (ID: d632ca4d)
  • Adjust Size by Shortcut (ID: 669f929b)
  • Regexp Rename (ID: 6ac3d235)

I am experiencing the same problem as in the previous post and cannot find the plugin.
Is there any solution to this problem?
I’m having trouble updating my plugins.

Hi there!

I was able to find Resize Artboard to Fit Content (ID: d632ca4d) this morning.

Which version of XD are you on? Which OS are you using? When you say you can’t find it, do you mean you can’t find it in the “Browse” section of XD’s Plugin Manager?

Do you have a reliable internet connection?

Oh wait, you mean you’re the author and you can’t find these in the I/O Console?

Sorry about the confusion!

I asked the Console team, and this issue is similar to IOC-4577… can you not see any plugin projects, or are you only missing your published plugins?

The last user with this problem seemed to require a manual database fix of some sort, I don’t think they found the underlying cause.

Thank you for the reply.
Sorry for the confusion, I’m the plugin author and I can’t find any plugin projects in the I/O Console.

Do you need any information to help you solve this problem?

The confusion was all mine, no need to apologize.

In any case, I believe the support team has all the information they need, and they’re working on fixing it for you. A few other developers are facing the same issue, there’s a known solution but not a known cause.

If anyone else out there is having this problem, (and you haven’t mentioned it to Adobe staff yet) please let us know.

The Console team says this is fixed in Prod, please let us know if you can see your plugin projects now.

I just checked, I can see my plugin projects!
Thank you for the fix.


hi, what was the fix ?

@Erin_Finnegan I updated my profile from the console and checked again. However, the published APIs are not showing up as in the first post. What could be the cause?

Hi there!

We’ve seen a three or four developers who have are still having this problem, even after the initial outage was cleared up. The underlying cause hasn’t been identified yet.

If you haven’t been in touch with anyone yet via email (there’s one open case, I’m not sure if it’s you), let me know your pluginID number(s), and the engineering team will do a manual fix.

Thanks for the reply.
Here are the plugins I’ve developed

Artboard for PDF: 572d4397
Flowkit: 27bd41e6
Image minify: 27e2d580

For internal purposes, the JIRA ticket number is IOC-4655.