Can't load plugins on my mac M2

So I recently bought a mac M2 and I’m trying to debug on my mac from the UXP developer tools, however, when I try to load my plugin with my mac, I get this error:

In my Windows PC works perfect without issues so the manifest is no the issue.

Anyone knows how to solve this issue?

Does it load when you don’t use DevTools?

I’m kind of new to developing in Apple, does DevTools is something within the Mac I need to enable / disable?

Developer Mode in PS?

I have it enabled but doesn’t makes any difference. Does I need to give special permissions to any file or something in Mac?

On Windows the process was very straight forward, Enable DevMode , change the min version on manifest and just load the plugin.

Found the issue, don’t know why it works but it did. Moved my uxp folder from Desktop to Documents and loading from Documents works though. Why from DEsktop doesn’t? Who knows… I appreciate your help anyway Jarda!

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@photonic You may need to give permission for Adobe UXP Developer Tools to access your Desktop Folder in System Settings > Privacy & Security > Files and Folders.


Thank you very much man!