The plugin panels opens blank and refuses to load any content when creating a new file. I noticed this on our complicated panel plugin so I reproduced it on a very simple panel plugin (just a <h1>) and I’ve attached the repro video and plugin below. The chrome inspect view does show the correct HTML elements but they’re not displaying in XD.
The steps to reproduce just seem to be creating a new file and 80% of the time the panel will be blank. As I’m using a development plugin, using “Reload Plugins” does fix the problem, but that’s not an option with production plugins.
Thank you for letting us know about this issue and for providing a simple test plugin. That makes it a lot easier for us to investigate. I was able to reproduce the problem on my Mac and logged a new bug with our team. As @kerrishotts stated, this is similar to another known bug that we have scheduled to be fixed in XD 37.