I’ve read that the review process on the marketplace has slowed down after MAX since the team is recovering from the event, which is fully understandable.
Anyways, I was wondering if there are some updates to this topic, maybe a time estimation or similar?
I submitted a plugin in the night before MAX (20. October), so UXP wasn’t public yet and I assume there weren’t that many submissions. Almost two weeks later, it’s still “In Review”, regarding this I have two questions:
Shouldn’t there be a way to update the submitted plugin without getting sent to the back of review queue? My submitted version was 1.0.0, however I fixed a few bugs and added more features shortly after. I’m hesitant to submit the new version 1.1.0 though, since I don’t want to lose 2 weeks of waiting for review
What was the recommended/necessary way of distributing the plugin on other channels, such a a personal website? Simply change the ID in the manifest (to be different from the one assigned via Adobe Console) and bundle it up again?
I’m eager to get the plugin out there